10 things we all do/feel but won’t admit

1. After posting a status update on Facebook, you refresh the page every minute for the next hour via the computer or smart phone to check the number of likes and comments that post received. With each new like you feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.







2. After following a bunch of people on Twitter, you obsessively check to see if your follower numbers have increased over the next couple of days.

3. You pin what you think is a great picture on Pinterest and are disappointed when no one repins it.








4. The emotions of being unfriended on Facebook – First it’s a sense of anger which soon turns to hopelessness and eventually you justify the reasons behind the action – for me it’s because I changed my last name when I got married which makes me barely recognizable on Facebook.

5. You selfishly like other pictures on Instagram, hoping they like yours back.

6. You remove the year of your birthdate from Facebook but not the year you graduated college. The point of that is???








7. You feel strongly that retweeting is better done manually.

8. You think less of a person when they have a grammatical or spelling error in their Facebook status update.

9. You often times feel like a stalker because of your activity on Facebook.

10. You have limited your  profile viewing on Linkedin because of the feature, “Who’s Viewed Your Profile?” Instead you stalk people every other way possible.

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