I know 2016 was a rough year for a lot of people. But it was literally the best year of my entire life. I quit a job I was unhappy at, I started working for Gossip Genie, I bought my blog domain, and most importantly I became a Mrs. It’ll be hard to top 2016 for me, but I have a few career-related resolutions that I think will make this year fan-freaking-tastic for me. Here are 5 New Years resolutions I think every worker should add to their list for 2017.

1. Gain a new skill

Educate yourself! I feel like advancing technology has made self-education so accessible to our generation, so why not learn a new, valuable skill? My job is pretty creative, so I look to more art-related courses in order up my portfolio game. With so many e-courses, free youtube tutorials, and local classes available at our fingertips no one has an excuse to stop learning.

2. Be Assertive

Is it just me, or does being assertive feel really awkward? This year I’m going to remove “sorry” and “just” from my vocabulary. I’m going to be self-aware, know my worth, and have faith in my ideas. And I think you should too ;).

3. Be a Better Teammate

I think there is always room for us to grow as coworkers. This year I will consistently ask my work buddies if they need help with their projects, do what I can to help them succeed and provide constructive criticism when necessary. I think the last one will be the most difficult, but like I said in #2 you have to speak up or no one will learn and grow.

4. Set Concrete Career Goals

I love that our generation’s career ideations are more in line with “follow-your-heart” than “make tons of money.” It’s no longer surprising when people start their own businesses, change their field of work or switch to a company that more closely aligns with their career goals (regardless of how long they’ve been at their current company). But I think this free-spirited approach to our field of work has left our generation with a lack of concrete goal setting. This year I’m going to set specific, measurable, and achievable career goals. And you know what? I’m going to reach them.

5. Build Your Network

There’s no denying it. It’s all about who you know. Whether it’s winning a new client, getting a new gig, or finding a mentor – your network is key. This year I won’t just build my network, I’m going to remember to nurture the relationships as well. That means follow-ups, small notes, and lots of thank you cards.

Do you have any career resolutions?

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