Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re sitting down. You may be at work or at home on the couch and if these few minutes it takes you to read this blog post are just a small portion of your eight hour sedentary work day, you are 54% more likely to die of a heart attack.

Okay, that was a bit solemn but most of us are unable to avoid this workplace set up. However, there are a few ways you can improve your conditions! Before I give you my suggestions, take a look at this infographic created by If you’re like me, you may find yourself unconsciously beginning to stand up as you read…



Scary right? Check out these tips and try to start changing your sitting lifestyle while we’re still young!

1. Take a break each hour. Whether that be to go get a beverage or for a bathroom break, come back and stretch out your body. A European Heart Journal study of 5,000 men and women found that the quarter who took the most breaks during the day were 1.6 inches thinner than the quarter who took the least.

2. Stand during client/conference calls. A 130 pound person burns about 70 calories an hour just by standing. 30 minute conference call? You’ve already burned off part of that cookie you ate for lunch.

3. If you work in a large office, don’t spend more than 15 minutes crafting an email for an employee. Walk over to their office and tell them. Chances are, your communication will be clearer and faster!

4. If the weather is cooperating, use half of your lunch break to take a walk outside. The fresh air will help clear your brain anyway!

5. Purchase a way cooler office chair. Mashable posted these “5 Alternative Office Chairs” that are quite inspiring. My personal fave? The Balance Ball Chair. Work + Core Strengthening = The Ultimate Multitask.


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