Your palms are sweating; heart beating a million miles a minute; eyes super glued to your computer screen; and for a brief moment, you begin to feel like a mini celebrity. Does this best describe how you would react if you had a brush with someone famous on Twitter?

Twitter has become one of the biggest game changers in how we interact with each other. And in a world where real-time news and status updates can single-handedly take our emotions from doom and gloom to feeling like we’re on top of the world (and vice versa), ‘socially’ wearing our hearts on our 140-character laden sleeves is considered normal. And what happens when your favorite celebrity gets in touch with you and takes your emotions into overdrive? Answer: Revert to the opening line of this blog post.

Like many, I follow famous personalities with no intention of them ever reading my tweets. And depending on the celebrity, the odds of receiving some sort of interaction from them are slim to none. But within the past year, I’ve changed my stance from “Why won’t you tweet me? I hate you!” to “You acknowledge my existence? I love you!” after “interacting” with a few of my favorite celebrities. I’m also happy to say that I didn’t receive the Kayne West treatment. Hoping to add to my list in the future, here a few of my famous brushes with fame on Twitter:

LL Cool J:

Andrew Zimmern:

I’d love to hear your stories of famous followers and who you’ve interacted with. Comment below!

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