After a long tough road, my healthy baby girl, Liv Miriam Liberman was born on September 25th, 2015. Today, my life is delightfully chaotic as a new mom that owns her own company, working full time. Every morning, I get up with Liv around 6:30 and I feed her and get her dressed. This might sound like a regular routine but each day I spend a long time choosing the outfit that Liv will wear for the day. Sometimes, I even put it together the night before. People think I am crazy because she will outgrow everything in a hot second but not before she covers it in spit up. I don’t care, I waited a long time for my healthy baby to arrive and if I want every week to be New York Fashion Week in my nursery, so be it. As a result of a lot of encouragement and praise from friends and family, I decided to start a lifestyle, baby & toddler fashion blog, Couture Onesie. I had to carve out time to dedicate to this and therefore, my lovely 8 hour nights of slumber have turned into about 5 and my fitbit can be very judgmental about that. No, it’s not my 5 month old baby keeping me awake, it’s my blog featuring my 5 month old baby. Ironic! Here are few looks from the first few posts on Couture Onesie.

I typically work on Gossip Genie related stuff from about 7:30pm – 9:30pm every night – right after I put Liv to bed. As of last Monday, I ditched my down time and early bed time to focus on Couture Onesie from about 10pm – 12am. Unlike Gossip Genie, this is just a hobby and I don’t have lofty goals for the site other than to bring a smile to your face. It’s a way to document the early days with Liv and explore an avenue that I have always loved but never dedicated much time to, fashion. As a child I would spend hours dressing my dolls and posing them for photo shoots and now I have a real live doll to work with. As I mention in my blog’s bio, Liv is my muse, she’s like a squishy adorable blank canvas, just waiting to be dressed up. I have been so inspired by Etsy and all of the female owned shops that have adorable handmade baby clothing. I buy a lot of stuff for Liv on Etsy because I love supporting small business owners and I can always find what I am looking for on that site.

Couture Onesie is a work in progress and it will feature a lot more than just Liv in cute outfits. I am hoping to make it a resource for new moms. Pending the permission of my friends, I will be featuring many adorable babies in the near future.

If you would be so kind as to follow Couture Onesie on the various social channels, I promise you won’t regret it. I started an Instagram account for @CoutureOnesie and now I can post all of my Liv pictures without overwhelming my current Instagram audience. The Twitter account can be found here and the newly published Facebook page, here.

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