There is never a time that I am disconnected. If I wake up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, I will inevitably check my email, Facebook feed, Twitter feed and now Instagram as well. I recently purchased Touch Screen gloves because I can’t handle not being able to check my phone when my gloves are on. I would choose frostbite over being disconnected. You might say the only time I am disconnected is when I am sleeping but that’s actually not the case…I have digital dreams!

I have had many Facebook related dreams – usually it’s indirect but easily attributable – like  a dream about a person that I haven’t seen in 10 years but recently connected with on Facebook. I have had Twitter dreams – I am trying to tweet but my keyboard is broken – like running in a dream and your legs give out. I have many client related social media dreams that incorporate the various networks.

Last night, I had my first Instagram dream.

About 4 months ago, I sold my one bedroom condo and all the furniture in it. It was my first place after college and I have many fond memories of it. Since moving over a year ago , I haven’t really looked back because I love my new place. Apparently, my subconscious is still mourning the loss of my bachelorette pad. In my dream, I was on my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed and every picture in that feed was of my old condo filled with people I had never seen before sitting on my furniture and smiling. It’s strange because in my dream, I felt nostalgic and somewhat sentimental about all of the happy memories I have from that place. Rather than just dreaming about being back in my old place, I am dreaming about seeing pictures of it on Instagram. I guess I should make my dreams come true and Instagram the pictures of my old condo below…

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