At some point or another, many of us have fallen victim to making an error on a cleverly crafted tweet. We use humorous play on words or sayings to get our point across and people interested in what we have to say. One of the phrases many of us apparently tend to screw up is “Sneak Peek.” You’re probably reading this thinking, “of course I know the correct way to spell it.” But, when your fingers are flying swiftly across your keyboard and you’re trying to complete that 140 character masterpiece, we tend to mistake this one.


Lucky for all of us, there is a Twitter bot to call you out! Let me introduce you to @StealthMountain (Stealth–>Sneak; Mountain–> Peak, get it?!) who’s angry  Twitter picture is of a black peak with a serious scowl across his face as if he is protesting against the fact that we are all accidentally referring to a covert mass of elevated land. His bio reads “I alert Twitter users that they typed sneak peak when they meant sneak peek. I live a sad life,” which brings light to this little grammar police as he speaks self-deprecatingly of himself.  The account went live in November of 2011 and now has issued over 125,000 corrections! His tweets are all the same…”_____ (insert Twitter user)  I think you mean ‘sneak peek. ‘”

I will shamelessly admit that I once used the wrong version of Sneak Peek and was called out by @StealthMountain. Rest assured, I have never made the same mistake again! Maybe the Twitterverse would be a tad bit smarter with more of these spelling and grammar Twitter bots.




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