Old Men, New Media

By February 8, 2010February 9th, 2018Gossip Genie Blog, Social Media

Multiple times a day, articles, blog posts, tweets and books are published that try to predict the future of social media. Analysts theorize the impact of social networking while statisticians provide us with astounding data to support these theories. My first-hand results are more compelling than all of the literature on social media combined.

I am a young woman with a strong belief in what I do. That is why I recently started my own company, Gossip Genie, www.gossipgenie.com. What is Gossip Genie exactly? It is everything from reputation management, website analysis, PR, marketing to consulting, business improvement and planning all through the strategic use of social media.

I deem myself an expert in social media because I have successfully handled 15 varying client accounts at one time. I adopted the personalities of all of these different brands, concepts and services and delivered the appropriate messages on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. Knowing how to develop and implement marketing strategies on social media sites, for varying industries is difficult. It requires a lot of research, not to mention dedication to building and maintaining an audience and their engagement. It also requires an in-depth understanding of the social media simplification and analysis tools available. I believe that experience makes the expert. Just because a person has a million followers on Twitter does not mean that they are a social media expert.

In this post, I want to address the issue of ignoring social media. Obviously, the people that choose to ignore social media will never see this post but maybe I will print it out and mail it to some of them.

Why are the old men still running the show?

Having majored in women’s studies and communications, it irks me every time I encounter a close minded, wheezing old geezer that refuses to resign as the CEO of a major corporation. He is an 80-something year old that is holding everyone else back because he founded the company when dinosaurs were still around.

It seems like every time I pitch my social media marketing services to a large corporation, I make it to the top without an issue. I impress the gatekeepers to only be rejected by the crypt keepers. Too many of my prospective clients are the Mr. Burns’ of the world.

Not only is it a challenge for these senior citizens to take me seriously with my glitzy website and WB/Disney inspired company name but I am pitching their worst fear, digital media. This does not stop me because I love a good challenge and I know the soft spot on these old-timers. No, I am not talking about their gums post denture extraction; I am talking about providing them with proof. After all, they were the generation that invented the saying – “The proof is in the pudding.”  Therefore, instead of bringing my laptop, I bring a big binder with screenshots of my success printed out and laminated. Remember, these are the men that have their secretary print out their emails to read and still handwrite spreadsheets. They can look at paper without squinting too much. In the end, my professional demeanor paired with the extensive proof of my clients’ success and a promise to deliver, gives me an advantage with the old folks.

While the Andy Rooneys of the world may scoff initially at the idea of social media, eventually they will cave. A conscientious company should understand that just because you are not present does not mean you are not talked about. Who is the person that gets talked about the most? The absent one. The easiest victim is the one that cannot defend himself.

Great blog post by Lisa Barone, “Ignoring Social Media Makes You Mute, Not Invisible” http://bit.ly/btNaRB.

Lisa says, “But closing your eyes and ears does not make you safe. It makes you vulnerable.” I could not agree more.


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