For the past three months, I’ve been spending a large amount of my time focusing on blogger outreach for various events across the country. Blogger outreach is one of my favorite things to do for a client because it allows me to take an in-depth look at the brand, see which influencers would be a good fit and reach out to them in hopes of forming a relationship that would benefit my client. Nothing is more gratifying than having an influential blogger take an interest in my client and having them willingly write a full blog post. Although the reward is great, like giving my client a ton of exposure across the country, blogger outreach is definitely not a walk in the park. Below are a few tips I’ve compiled for a successful blogger outreach.

Stay Organized

Before starting any blogger outreach, it is important to have a designated spot for all blogger info. I suggest creating a Google Doc because it allows you to create columns where you can list the blogger’s name, email address, website, Twitter handle, Twitter followers, notes, etc. You can also color code rows to see who has replied “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe.” Not only will this keep your info in one spot that’s easily accessible, but it also shows who you’ve already reached out to. Nothing is more embarrassing than reaching out to the same blogger twice. Please, don’t be that person.

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Know Your Bloggers

Since there are thousands of bloggers in various industries, it can be tricky to figure out which ones are the best for your brand. That being said, it is imperative to do your research and be very selective. For example, you might find the perfect fashion blogger with a large following, but if she hasn’t tweeted since January 2016, she most likely isn’t the best fit for your brand. You want to make sure that any blogger on your list is also active on his or her social media channels. That way when they create the blog post, it’ll be blasted across their social channels, leveraging the reach with their followers.

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It is extremely common for bloggers to charge $500-$750 for a sponsored blog post, but not all brands can afford that. Instead of breaking the bank, give the bloggers an offer they surely can’t refuse. For example, if you’re a footwear company, offering a free pair of shoes in exchange for a blog post is much more feasible than paying a ridiculous amount of money. And let’s be honest, what blogger wouldn’t take a free pair of shoes? Don’t forget, blogger outreach is all about having a mutually beneficial relationship for the brand and blogger. If the brand wants a blog post, the blogger needs something in return.

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Maintain Relationships

 Once you reach out to bloggers and they agree to write a blog post about your brand, don’t end the relationship there. Always make sure to follow up and stay in constant communication when appropriate. To this day, I still communicate with bloggers I initially reached out to months ago. If I need my client to be retweeted in order to gain more contest entries, I’ll ask those bloggers and they will be more than happy to do so due to maintaining a positive relationship. I also know that I can always rely on those bloggers for future reviews and giveaways for other clients I might have in mind as well. We have all heard that saying, “It’s not about what you know, but who you know.” You never know when you may need your fellow bloggers down the road!

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