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Many companies understand the importance of social media, but can’t seem to find the necessary time to devote to it. So when it comes down to allocating resources to social media marketing needs, many businesses turn to outsourcing. Rather than using in-house staff, they hire outside firms to manage their social profiles. Is this a good idea? Absolutely! And here’s why:

1. It gives you more time

Let’s face it, there’s just not enough time to do everything, and that’s OK. Do you really want to add one more thing to your to-do-list and run the risk of spreading yourself too thin? Without social media, you’re actually missing out on the opportunity to really push your business forward. Social media requires consistency and prompt attention on a daily basis; if you don’t have time for that, then it’s best to find someone who does. That leaves you free to focus on what you do best — your own work.

2. Puts it in the hands of the experts

Social media is constantly changing. At Gossip Genie, we are always keeping up with the best social media practices and latest tools and resources. As with anything else, hiring specialists means hiring people who know more about an area than you do. Gossip Genie is equipped to give you a leg up over the competition. After all, social media is what we do all day.

3. Can help you go beyond just brand exposure

Many businesses working knowledge of social media extends to brand exposure. But social media can generate a real ROI for your business. If you want to use social media for lead generation, it’s going to take more than just posting pictures. It takes time, expertise, and strategy. At Gossip Genie, we know where to find a business’ target market on social media and how to best interact with them. We know there are endless possibilities to generate leads through utilizing social media in the right way and that’s our ultimate goal for our clients.

4. You won’t lose control

Delegating anything means relinquishing a level of control. When you’re not the one updating your social networks, you aren’t the one with total control over what gets said. At Gossip Genie, we work with the client to take over the exact tone and message of the brand. If that means drafting posts for approval every time, we do it! We know that this is your brand and at the end of the day, our goal is to protect your brand’s identity.

5. You won’t lose the personal touch

At Gossip Genie, we take the time to research and understand our clients business inside and out so that we truly are an extension of the company or brand we are posting on behalf of. When you outsource your social media, it’s best to have a liaison or point of contact within the company and we encourage communication with them often. Outsourcing also allows the time and effort needed to respond to messages and comments in a timely and effective manner, further developing that personal touch a social media campaign should employ.


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