Have you ever found yourself so far into the depths of Facebook that you felt disgusted with yourself? You know you have. It’s that rainy day when you’re bored at home and all of a sudden you realize that you are looking at your ex’s sister’s friend’s college welcome week album from 2005. Or you are analyzing your coworker’s wife’s pre and post pregnancy body by comparing 16 months of mobile uploads on her timeline. We are all voyeurs (non-sexual) and that is exactly the reason we willingly made the decision to join Facebook. My question is, why are we ashamed to admit to our curiosity? If every picture we viewed on Facebook was automatically liked, our behavior would drastically change.  Which can accidentally happen on Instagram, you’re in the depths of creeping on Instagram photos and you have accidentally “liked” a photo because you double tapped to zoom in on a photo. Sheer panic washed over you and your heart skipped a beat. Luckily, you can unlike the photo and unless, that person has Instagram notifications, your stalkee will never know you were creeping. However, most of us have those notifications and it appears much worse when the notification does not match the “News” stream on Instagram.


On the opposite end, what is the reason for posting? That’s obvious, it’s to feed our egos, attract attention and elicit a response. The inspiration for this post is an article I read recently, 7 Ways to Be Insufferable on Facebook . The author examines the catalyst behind seven specific types of status updates we are all familiar with. I can relate to everything this author writes and here is proof:

1) The “I’m in a Great Relationship” Brag



2) The Cryptic Cliffhanger


3) The Literal Status Update

 Complete with a mistake…SC4

4) The Inexplicably-Public Private Message 

 Refer to the feed beneath the post from 1c

5) The Out-Of-Nowhere Oscar Acceptance Speech


6) The Incredibly Obvious Opinion

I don’t have one to share, I can’t tolerate this type of update and if  I see one, that person is immediately unfriended.

7) The Step Toward Enlightenment


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