As an avid iPhone picture taker (my poor digital camera is collecting dust) and social media addict, I LOVE finding a great photography app that allows me to easily edit photos. Obviously, the most popular is Instagram, but what about when I want to edit a photo and not post on my Insta account? For that I use a two different apps:

1. PhotoStudio (FREE) – I love this app because of the color aspect. You can drag your finger over the parts of the photo you want to remain in color. There are a ton of other great features, too. Best of all it’s free.

photo 1

DePaul University











2. Afterlight ($0.99) – There’s not much this app can’t do. Tons of filters and effects make the dollar you spend totally worth it. I love the way this photo looks after it’s been edited. I guess it also helps that I had such a historical model, the Lincoln Memorial. 🙂

photo 3

Lincoln Memorial







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