Gossip Genie BlogReality TVSocial MediaWhat Not to PostWhat's Trending Rich Kids of Instagram #rkoi A new blog on Tumblr called Rich Kids of Instagram has become popular for showcasing…Anthony LessAugust 18, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat's Trending Nostalgia Finds Its Medium, Literally. The founders of Twitter have a fresh idea up their sleeves. Evan Williams and Biz…Gossip GenieAugust 17, 2012
Social MediaWhat's TrendingWords of Advice An Uber Believer Last week was my first Uber ride. After my experience, I am addicted. How many…Gossip GenieAugust 16, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Spotlight Social Media Spotlight: Oreo, ‘Milk’s Favorite Cookie’ As a social media manager, it is always good idea to take a moment to…Gossip GenieAugust 15, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogWhat Not to Post Facebook’s Trivial “Life Events” Have you investigated the "life events" tab on your Facebook page? I am surprised they…Gossip GenieAugust 14, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Skittles Gets A Taste of Cyberbullying Usually my Friday blog post is a time where I can unwind with…Gossip GenieAugust 10, 2012