Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Bringing the Buzz to Vision Expo West The Genies took over Las Vegas for Vision Expo West 2017 last month, marking the…Anthony LessOctober 4, 2017
Gossip Genie BlogWhat's Trending 4 Perks of a Dog-Friendly Office What’s so wrong with bringing your fluffy companion to work? Let me tell you: Nothing.…Janelle PrisnerOctober 2, 2017
Helpful InformationSocial Media Five Reasons Why I Love Instagram Stories (And You Should Too) In the crazy world of social media, one thing is guaranteed: platforms will continue to…Gossip GenieSeptember 27, 2017
Uncategorized Why small businesses need social media For a lot of small businesses, the idea of joining social media can seem a…Violet MarquardtAugust 24, 2017
What's Trending Social Media News You NEED to Know Vol. III It's been almost two months since our last social media news update. And, wouldn't you know…Gossip GenieAugust 14, 2017
Uncategorized 3 Things I’ve Learned as an Intern As of this past Monday, I have been a Social Media Intern for Gossip Genie…Violet MarquardtAugust 11, 2017