Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWords of Advice Being a Genie Just Got 2x Sweeter Time flies when you’re having fun! As cliché as it sounds, this is genuinely how…Gossip GenieMay 4, 2017
Helpful Information Social media news you need to know Social is an ever-changing medium. It's not static like TV, out of home, or even banner…Gossip GenieApril 24, 2017
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Spotlight Genies Bring the Buzz to Vision Expo Another year, another Vision Expo! The International Vision Expo is a tradeshow for the eyecare…Anthony LessApril 13, 2017
Uncategorized When Do I Use Emojis? A Guide for Brands Working in social media, I get all sorts of questions from clients and friends alike:…Gossip GenieApril 12, 2017
Words of Advice How To Multi-Task Like A Pro No matter what kind of job you have, multi-tasking is an important skill to have…Gossip GenieApril 11, 2017
What's TrendingWords of Advice The App That Can Change Long Distance Friendships Throughout my life, I’ve had a bunch of different groups of friends that live all…Gossip GenieMarch 28, 2017