Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Lost and Found: Missing Hat Facebook Post Goes Viral Bridget Hughes of Las Cruces, New Mexico lost one of her most important posessions:…Anthony LessDecember 10, 2012
What's TrendingWords of Advice Grouper Gone Wrong Chicago, meet Grouper, a website that connects three single girl friends with three single guy…Gossip GenieDecember 6, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat's Trending How to Discover a Catfish If you're a fan of social media and aren't living under a rock, then there…Gossip GenieDecember 5, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Twitter Reveals Royalty As a married woman in her late twenties, I am horrified by the premature announcement…Gossip GenieDecember 4, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat's Trending Social Media for Activism: “Never Reatreat, Retweet” I’ve been seeing a lot of year-end lists of the best films of 2012 and New…Anthony LessDecember 3, 2012
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat Not to Post What Not To Post: Medical Test Results This one should be a understood but some people just can't seem to contain themselves…Gossip GenieNovember 28, 2012