Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat Not to Post What Not to Post – Poop! I was in the midst of a Twitter for business training seminar for a group…Gossip GenieMarch 25, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat Not to Post What Not to Post – BIRTH I have added a new category to my blog, "What Not to Post." The inspiration…Gossip GenieMarch 24, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media “Good Morning America”…and Chris Brown” By Laurel Robin Roberts joined Twitter live during Good Morning America on Monday and on her 2nd…Gossip GenieMarch 24, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat's Trending RIP Elizabeth Taylor The Hollywood icon, infamous for her purple eyes, multiple marriages and 2 academy awards has…Gossip GenieMarch 23, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Sean X Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Sean X. There are very…Gossip GenieMarch 21, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media The Ghost of Facebook Have you ever noticed how your Facebook friend count tends to increase and decrease throughout…Gossip GenieMarch 17, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Twitter to the Rescue in Japan by Laurel Twitter to the Rescue in Japan Minutes after the tsunami occurred in Japan, Twitter…Gossip GenieMarch 16, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat Not to Post Blogging While Jogging As a perfectionist, I am constantly battling my own self-imposed guilt about not being able…Gossip GenieMarch 15, 2011
Gossip Genie BlogSocial Media Facebook Friends Say The Darndest Things by Laurel What are your Facebook statuses usually about? How often do you update? We all have…Gossip GenieMarch 10, 2011