Digital MediaGossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media AdvertisingSocial Media SpotlightSocial Media Tips & UpdatesWhat Not to PostWords of Advice Celebrating National Holidays on Social Happy National Cheese Pizza Day! 🍕 Yep, there's a holiday just for cheese pizza - as if…Violet MarquardtSeptember 5, 2018
About Our TeamSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & Updates How to Highlight Your Employees on Instagram LBH - Your brand wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the numerous individuals that work…Janelle PrisnerAugust 30, 2018
Gossip Genie BlogHelpful InformationSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & Updates Why Your Recent Loss in Twitter Followers Is a Good Thing Losing numbers on social can be hard on your ego. Your recent decrease in Twitter…Gossip GenieAugust 8, 2018
Social MediaSocial Media AdvertisingSocial Media Tips & Updates Social Media Updates When it comes to social media, the only constant is that things are constantly changing.…Violet MarquardtAugust 7, 2018
Digital MediaHelpful InformationSocial MediaSocial Media Advertising How to Improve Your Business’ Social ICYMI: We’re nearing the end of 2018, and by now, there’s no way your brand/business…Violet MarquardtAugust 2, 2018
Client ContentGossip Genie BlogGossip Genie ReflectionsSocial MediaSocial Media AdvertisingUncategorized Social Media Management Through the Years There are few things that can make a millennial reminisce more than Facebook's "On This Day" feature. With…Taryn RosenbergJuly 17, 2018
Social MediaSocial Media Spotlight Double-Tap That: IG Accounts we ❤️ You know the drill: it's time for another round of "must follow" Instagram accounts. These…Gossip GenieJuly 12, 2018
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaWhat's Trending Pride Month Social Media Campaigns Making a Difference June is Pride Month, a time of celebration, solidarity and action for LGBTQ people and…Anthony LessJune 26, 2018
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & UpdatesUncategorizedWhat Not to PostWords of Advice How To Spot Fake Instagram Followers If you work in social media, you know that Instagram can be one heck of…Taryn RosenbergJune 19, 2018
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media AdvertisingSocial Media Tips & UpdatesUncategorizedWords of Advice 5 Benefits of Using Influencer Outreach in Your Social Strategy Influencer outreach is perhaps one of the most effective ways to grow a following online.…Violet MarquardtJune 14, 2018