Today isn’t “Throwback Thursday” but nevertheless, I am feelingĀ nostalgic ever since watching this new Internet Explorer commercial.
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It is incredible to think about the way things used to be versus the way they are now. For me, a Talkboy or a Yak Bak provided me with hours of endless entertainment. Unfortunately, there is no longer a market for those types of devices because instead, “There’s an app for that.” Today’s generation automatically assumes that every screen is a touch screen. Most children have an iTouch, iPhone or an iPad by the age of 5. While you won’t see 5 year olds surfing Facebook, there are plenty of applications developed for the toddler market.

My adorable 7 month old nephew is obsessed with Elmo. Today, you can go beyond just watching Elmo on TV and reading his books. At the suggestion of my best friend, I downloaded an app where you can actually FaceTime with Elmo.













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