The founders of Twitter have a fresh idea up their sleeves. Evan Williams and Biz Stone are taking the world for a customizable stroll down memory lane. Hands in the air for their newest creation in the works, Medium. With a layout similar to Pinterest all of you visual creatures have found your host, latch on this appears to be addicting. The founders state that posting on Medium is easy and elegant. Furthermore they explain that all posts appear into “collections,” organized by a theme and a template. Seems to me that it’s time to open up the coveted photo albums and reintroduce yourself to an era where your food pyramid consisted mostly of Goldfish Crackers and Capri Suns.

A glimpse at the "When I Was A Kid" board.

Don’t fret, there’s also a goodie bag for writers in this already amazing pool of life moments. The new platform’s online welcome message proudly states that they are re-imagining publishing, allowing you to share your memories with words on categorized boards such as the one below. I truly believe that the thread of a shared experience ties us as human beings together, visual communities such as Medium are a step in the right direction.

What experience will you share?

Now I want to mention how impressed I am with the fine stitching of this idea. On their website they simply state, “Our philosophy is that quality begets quality, so we will grow Medium smartly, ensuring that our platform is valuable to everyone in this increasingly mobile, connected, and noisy world.” Perfection. So many startups are so immersed in real time that they feel obligated to throw everything on our plates  at once like an overcrowded buffet of experiences. However, Medium, in my book gets it right. Williams and Stone are stepping away from the buffet and giving us all a shiny new plate…what we put on that plate is our choice.


Quality begetting quality, sign me up. Seriously, where is my invite?


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