Sometimes it feels like social media is the vice that everyone loves to hate, yet can’t let go of. The constant selfies, likes, DMs. The pressure to post, comment, share, tag. It can get overwhelming, to say the least. While social media can be a hugely positive influences (ask any animal shelter how much adoption rates have improved since the creation of Facebook), it is inarguably a source of stress for many, and it’s easy to get stung by social media burnout. The solution? Find ways to decompress! Here are some of the Genie’s top tips to de-stress, refresh, and stay blessed đŸ™đŸ»

1. Meditate

Yeah, we know, “meditation” is the solution suggested by everyone + their mom whenever the subject of stress is brought up. But seriously, it’s popular for a reason. Even just a few minutes a day can have a huge impact on anxiety levels, and can actually change brain chemistry altogether. If solo meditation isn’t your vibe, studios all over the country are ready to guide you through it. Social Media Director Taryn is a personal fan of CHILL in Chicago, saying “I love going into yoga and meditation studios that don’t allow you to bring in your phone so I have a reason to put it down for a full hour. Working in social media makes a “phone addiction” so much more intense, so it’s important to give yourself time to turn it off.”

2. Set a time limit

This tip is absolutely vital to prevent social media burnout, and it’s one that I try to practice daily. Be mindful of how much screen time you have each day. Then, consciously try to put the phone down for at least an hour and do something just for yourself. Whether it’s to meet someone for dinner face-to-face or walk your dog around the block, these phone-free moments are SO important. Once the evening hits, I try to leave Facebook in favor of fridge-time. AKA turn on some music, cook, and enjoy the moment, disconnected. When I head to the gym, that’s my time to focus solely on me without having to worry about what is happening online. Plan these moments purposefully in your week.

3. Unfollow toxic people

That person. You know them. I know them. That one user who sees Facebook as a free platform to express every political opinion and conspiracy theory under the sun. The friend/family member who makes your pulse rise in annoyance with every post. Don’t feed into this stress! You’re too busy to let toxic people drag you down, whether IRL or virtually. Just hit the unfollow (not unfriend) button. It’ll save you anxiety and anguish, and they’ll be none the wiser!

4. Engage with the accounts that bring you joy

When my sister, a student in a difficult field of study, gets stressed and needs a break, she heads to The Dodo and watches animal videos. In her case, social media actually provides an escape from a hectic life beyond the screen. A great tip to prevent social media burnout is to simply focus more on the content that makes you happy. For foodies, maybe it’s therapeutic to open YouTube and binge Tasty videos to your heart’s content. If your idea destressing means watching cat videos on repeat, get down with your bad self and do it!

5. Download “break” apps

We all need a gentle reminder throughout the day to stop, take a deep breath, and center ourselves. There are some amazing apps that make this simple and daily ritual easily doable. Some popular options are Calm and Headspace. Give one a try and see how much more relaxed it can make you, if even for a moment.


What are your tried and true ways to prevent social media burnout? Let us know in the comments below 👇

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