

As all social media managers know all too well, there is always work to get done. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn constantly demand our time and attention in today’s technology-driven society. However, keeping up with the fast-paced world of social media can be difficult to do when your health takes a turn for the worst. Suddenly, your body, with its sore throat and incessant congestion, pulls your focus away from your never-ending to-do list.


During my very first week as a genie, this is exactly what happened to me. I was excited to hit the ground running with my new career but instead felt bogged down by my hazy mind and weak immune system. Even though it’s nearly impossible to remain as efficient as you do when your health is cooperating, there are still several strategies you can implement to get the most out of your workday, despite your illness.


  1. Break Down Your Workload Into Smaller Tasks

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you think about everything that needs to get done at the same time. Rather than stressing yourself out with the big picture, break down your projects into smaller, more manageable assignments. For example, I concentrated this past week on sending out one tweet at a time, thinking of each as a mini checkmark on my list of things to do. Eventually, these little victories added up to big results even though I wasn’t feeling 100%.


  1. Keep Communication Open

Because of my degree in Communication, of course I’m going to emphasize its importance! Your coworkers are your teammates, ready to help pick up your load when you need them. Therefore, it is crucial to remain accessible to them by keeping your email open, your Gchat signed on, and your phone nearby. Without the ability to exchange information easily, your tasks will only take more time and effort to complete.


  1. Keep Your Workspace Organized

Keeping both your physical and virtual work environment organized can definitely increase your productivity. For myself personally, I know my mind tends to wander to the mess around me if I don’t keep my space neat and tidy; this, in turn, takes my concentration away from where it really needs to be. Perhaps even more importantly for us social media managers and other tech-heavy careers is keeping the files and documents on our laptops organized as well. No one needs to waste time playing hide and seek through folders, trying to relocate the project they were working on.


  1. Don’t Overdo It

This is a classic case of work smarter, not harder. Working until your mind is rendered completely useless and your energy supply is burnt up won’t do your company any good. Instead, the best thing you can do is listen to your body and rest when you need to. Relaxation will only expediate your healing process, making you more valuable in the long run. So, brew a fresh cup of tea, fire up the Netflix, and get to bed early!


  1. Visit The Doctor As Soon As You Can

I’m guilty, like so many others, of waiting as long as humanly possible to see the doctor when I’m sick. However, the longer you wait to see your physician, the worse your condition can become. So, suck it up and get the treatment you need to recover! This will get you back to the peak of your effectiveness as soon as possible.

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