We all live busy lives but regardless of how busy you are, you should always take the time to double check something you’re putting out there for the world to see. Here are a few of my favorite, latest examples of irresponsible errors.
Equinox’s latest email newsletter:
Taylor Swift’s main photo for her hit song, Mean. “Your on the phone” – You’re wrong about that one, Taylor!
CNN’s latest news via their mobile app…
Attention to detail is a the first thing that I look for when interviewing a potential candidate to work at Gossip Genie. I received this resume recently…pubic relations, that’s a first!
I was reading a blog post by a well-known, reputable Chicago agency and was shocked by what I found. The blog was about grammar and in the title, there was an error…apostrophe errors bother me to no end. If you are writing about grammar, you should know that – no-nos does not have an apostrophe.
This one belongs in a “What Not to Post” post but I had to include it here because it’s quite crazy. No, her account was not hacked, she fully admitted to posting this (sober) in the comments and the post (posted on January 25th) is still up on her timeline.
Share your favorite mistakes with us by emailing them to info@gossipgenie.com