After reading, Social ‘Petworking’: the top 10 pets on social networks, I knew it was time to introduce the world to my pride & joy, my nearly 2 year old, oversized, abnormally long bodied (see pic) Havanese.Despite the fact that I felt guilty taking the time to create a Facebook page for Alfie, I knew it was necessary. The extra time I spent carefully crafting Alfie’s Facebook debut will cost me a little bit of extra time servicing my paying clients which I will make up for at some point during the wee hours of the morning. Running a company, planning a wedding and being involved in endless negotiations associated with a short sale, leaves me with minimal free time, less sleep and several unwatched episodes of Teen Mom.
However, should Alfie and I meet again in another lifetime and our roles were to be reversed, I can’t imagine the punishment I would receive as for not celebrating Alfie’s life via a Facebook page.
Alfie, aka “The Mini Cow” comes from a mother that weighs 10lbs, a father that weighs 12lbs, his brother weighs 11lbs and his sister weighs 9lbs and Alfie is 25lbs. More to love, right? Anyway, Alfie was Gossip Genie’s first official employee or rather company mascot.
Obviously, my fiancé and I think he is the cutest, best dog in the world, so naturally we took him to a modeling agency we found on Craigslist about a year ago. The agency required us to spend about $100 on professional photos because they guaranteed us Alfie would be the next “big thing.” We are still waiting for a call from them.
With his tubular obese physique we had to come to terms with the fact that our dog just didn’t have the body for modeling. The only way to make him a star is through Facebook. Which is exactly what we are going to do. If you’re jealous of this superstar, too bad, the gene pool stops here. Alfie is super smart but that never got anyone laid in college, so we took that option off the table and neutered him.
I regret not livestreaming that procedure for all to see online. From every poop to every pee, not to worry, Alfie’s life from this point forward will be documented on his Facebook page. Okay, just the cute stuff, so please like Alfie on Facebook!