Great content succeeds because it resonates with an audience. It really is as simple as that. Still, many social media professionals are no stranger to the conundrum of representing “dry brands”. Maybe this is a company so niche it struggles to grow in the digital space. Maybe it’s a business within an industry that just doesn’t naturally lend itself to a bountiful harvest of creative ideas. If that’s your experience, we feel the pain.
Here are our tips to make a dry brand shine on social media:
1. Know your Audience
2. Harness Pre-Existing Trends
3. Find Commonality
Though it may seem doubtful in today’s climate, some things in life ARE widely agreed upon. Sunshine makes us happy. Sleep is enjoyable. Pizza is life. Use these commonalities to widen your appeal and depart from the esoteric content that may typically perform well for a dry brand. If you can infuse a bit of humor and get your audience laughing, even better! The post below is a great example of how commonalities and humor can work for your brand.
4. High-Quality Photography