If you’ve read my blog posts before, you know I’ve always been a fan of Snapchat. For the rest of the world, it didn’t seem like anything to pay attention to. It was just another social app that would cause a stir for a couple months until it fizzled out. But alas, it’s still here and making waves like never before!

Now you’re probably thinking, “So what? Why should I care about Snapchat?” I’ll tell you why. Remember when Facebook first came on the scene? No one imagined the impact it would make on digital advertising today. That’s exactly what is happening with Snapchat. Mark Zuckerberg even believed in the app so much that he tried to acquire it for $3B. Snapchat declined. With that, the rise of Snapchat sounds quite familiar, like Facebook’s rise back in the day. That is why I compiled the top 3 reasons why everyone (especially marketers) should keep Snapchat on their radars.

It’s not perfect 

Let’s be honest, social media has made many people obsessed with making their lives look perfect. Bought a new car? Post it on Instagram. Completed a workout? Post about it on Facebook. But the great thing about Snapchat is that it eliminates this seemingly perfect life. An article that went viral last year, by Andew Watts, stated it perfectly, “Snapchat is really where we can be ourselves while being attached to our social identity.” It allows us to share our embarrassing /funny moments with our friends, without the fear of being judged. This is especially ideal for undergrads entering in the workforce trying to cleanup their profiles, because after 24 hours everything disappears.


It’s the cool thing to do

Facebook was the cool site to be on when it first came out, only appealing to college students. Now the site is one of the largest companies in the internet/tech space. But why was everyone on it before? Because it was cool! Right now, Snapchat is the cool thing to do, especially with the younger generation. According to a Piper Jaffrey survey from the Wall Street Journal, Snapchat is the most popular social network among American teens, with 19% stating it’s the most important network. If you’re a marketer and this is your audience, this is definitely a space you should look into. However, keep in mind it has to make sense for your brand because Snapchat isn’t for everyone.

It’s a free for all

Since Snapchat is still fairly new, there isn’t a way to measure best practices. It’s still in the stage where brands can do whatever they please with their accounts. With Facebook business pages, people post certain content because they know what works and what doesn’t work for their brands. Snapchat doesn’t have that measurement, which allows for a wide range of creativity. For example, my alma mater Marquette University has an account for the founder of our university, Father Marquette. He can be seen around campus attending club meetings, dressing up for Halloween or hanging out in the Quad. I am not biased or anything, but Marquette has mastered their Snapchat game and it is going strong.

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