I’m siding with Cat Stevens, it’s a wild world indeed. These days companies, people, and even products are feeling the need to reinvent themselves…and rightfully so. In my grandparents’ generation it was all about product loyalty. You find something you like and darnit you stick with it. There’s no doubt in my mind that my grandfather still uses the same aftershave he did twenty years ago. Nowadays, however, you have to constantly be on the lookout for your inventive neighbors. We are breeding entrepreneurs, startups, and environmentally sustainable products by the day. Realistically you could have the best pasta sauce south of the Mississippi, but if your competitor has a better presentation or a more effective social media strategy chances are it will have a very noticeable impact on your growth. I’m certain we all grew up hearing the classic phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Does this still apply? I’m as guilty as the person next to me and an absolute sucker for cool packing. Take a look at the examples below, do you pay extra for pretty packaging? Do you stand by the products you already know and love? The bigger question is, in an age where we have so many products available, how do you discover and distinguish quality?

General supermarket fish packaging vs. Postler Ferguson's design

Apple vs. this stylish computer by SchultzeWORKS

Mantova Olive Oil vs. Five Olive Oil

Heineken vs. Heineken cube

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