If you havent heard of the hit Facebook sensation, Boo, by now, then you must be living under a rock. He is one of the most famous pet pomeranians with over 4 million Facebook fans. He has not only inspired many other pet fan pages, including our very own Alfie, but apparently he has inspired many others to make fan or friend pages for their children as well!


See Below. Exhibit A: The parents of Chase even go so far as to tagging him in posts, checking him in, and writing on his wall. There are frequent posts from the father, Jeff, on the wall such as “I miss your face” and “The awesome moment when you realize you, your two buddies and your 20 month old son are entranced by twin strippers.” Jeff also posts photos on Chase’s wall of himself drinking alcohol while sitting on Chase’s toy car captioning it “One of those nights.”


I had never seen anything like this but I should have known this moment would come for a couple of  reasons.

1.-Facebook Timeline now features major events in your life such as when you were born. It is safe to assume this sparked an idea in parents’ heads that this is a place to capture all of their child’s major moments, even if it is before they can memorize their Facebook log-in and password

2. The need to overexpose your child: If you’re reading this and you’re in your 20’s, you will know what I am talking about. After the wedding is over, and the thank you cards have been sent, most of our married Facebook friends don’t have a lot more to showcase on their page. That is until they are pregnant. Some of those who are exceptionally excited begin with posting the ultrasound as their profile picture, maybe a photo album called “the growth of my belly” or even check-ins at the hospital…”Last appointment before the big push!” It is all just part of the constant need to keep our friends informed. Although I think many people forget that 90% of our Facebook friends aren’t really our ‘real friends.’

What will Chase’s friends think when they are old enough to get on a computer? How will they decide to hand over control to him and when? Will they deactivate the profile once he is old enough to see it? Make your own judgement call on this one but if you ask me, it’s a little too soon to be making Facebook pages for our babies! Let’s leave that to the 13+ and up!

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