Hip, hip, hooray! Thanksgiving week is upon us. In addition to the copious amounts of carbs, the third full week in November also signifies a shortened work week. It’s been a while since we’ve all enjoyed some good ol’ holiday vacation sans PTO, so I’ve made a list to help set yourself up for a successful, not stressful, time away from your desk.

1. Make a list, check it twice thrice

Stress Less

Alright, first things first. I recommend you make a list of everything that needs to get done before you leave the office to enjoy the holidays. This list should include items that need to be done before vacation and also items that are due the first few days after you return to work (who likes to be rushed?). In the beginning, it can feel really overwhelming to think of all the tasks you need to complete before leaving for the holidays, but I find it’s always helpful to write out everything you need to do. Having a visual list will keep you organized and ensure no responsibility slips through the cracks. For extra accountability, set up a short meeting with your manager to review everything that needs to get done before you can peace out and relax with friends and family.

2. Work until you’re done working

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It’s really easy to get distracted and unmotivated before any holiday or vacation. You’re so close to time off! Day dreaming of a break from your commute, cordial emails, and daily responsibilities is tempting. But please, please, please don’t start slacking off while you’re still on the clock – your future self will thank you. The few days leading up to vacation are crucial for setting yourself up for success. As hard as it may seem, stay focused, bump some motivational tunes, and get your work done.

3. Unplug

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The best way to enjoy the holidays is to unplug and detach from work. Please don’t go into a panic after reading that sentence. If you’ve done items #1 and #2  above, then you’re good to go. Your responsibilities have been taken care of, and you can rest easy knowing you’ve totally kicked butt at your job. Studies show that taking a break from work will actually increase productivity and creativity upon return.

Of course, totally detaching may be easier said than done. But give it a try. Emergencies might arise, but people have your number and can reach you if it’s really necessary. My best tip for unplugging from work is to remove your work email from your phone. Go ahead, take the plunge. Go to settings > email > remove work email. It’s super easy to reinstall, so don’t fret. Yes, you’ll probably get some emails during the holiday that will go unread, but you’ll be able to deal with anything when you’re back in the office. P.S. when in doubt, check with your boss to clarify what’s expected of you before you leave for the holidays.

Are you ready to enjoy your holidays and temporarily forget about work?

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