Social Media Tips & Updates No Bullies Allowed: Instagram’s Newest Moderating Tool Bullying and hate-speech: these are two of the hottest, and unfortunately, most relevant topics in…Gossip GenieJuly 15, 2019
Social MediaSocial Media Tips & UpdatesWhat's Trending June’s over? Ju-lying. Hello, July (and the nice weather that comes along with it in Chicago - thank…Janelle PrisnerJune 28, 2019
Funny PhotosGossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & UpdatesUncategorizedWhat's Trending What We Can Learn From @JustAConstructionGuy Have you heard about Instagram's latest influencer sensation? His name is Omar, but as of…Taryn RosenbergJune 12, 2019
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & UpdatesUncategorizedWhat's Trending Use Summer to Your Social Media Advantage Summer is almost here, and social media opportunities are coming with it! Holidays for Days…Gossip GenieJune 5, 2019
Gossip Genie BlogSocial MediaSocial Media Tips & Updates LinkedIn Introduces Reactions Like or Love? You Choose. LinkedIn recently introduced a new way to engage: reactions! LinkedIn…Gossip GenieMay 28, 2019
Gossip Genie BlogHelpful InformationSocial MediaSocial Media SpotlightSocial Media Tips & UpdatesWords of Advice World Social Media Day! It's World Social Media Day. So basically, like... our day. And we are coming to…Janelle PrisnerMay 14, 2019
Social Media Tips & Updates Pop Quiz: Instagram Quiz Stickers Quiz time! What's the most innovative popular social platform? A. Facebook B. Instagram C. Snapchat…Gossip GenieMay 13, 2019
Social Media Tips & Updates Instagram’s New Donate Sticker Is social media helpful or harmful to the general public? As of late, this debate…Gossip GenieMay 2, 2019
Gossip Genie BlogHelpful InformationSocial Media Tips & UpdatesUncategorized It’s gonna be May! It’s always fun to participate in different holidays month-to-month. Whether it’s hosting giveaways or coming…Janelle PrisnerApril 16, 2019
Helpful InformationSocial Media Tips & UpdatesWhat's Trending Marching into the Holidays It’s always fun to participate in different holidays month-to-month. Whether it’s hosting giveaways or coming…Janelle PrisnerFebruary 27, 2019