If you’re social media-obsessed like the genies are, you’ve noticed how frequently our favorite networks tend to update their features. It’s all in an effort to stay relevant and fresh, and we (almost) always love the outcome! Nearly every day there’s some great new integration between apps or life-changing addition to our beloved channels. While it can be hard to keep up with it all, the genies are here to help!

Take a look at these three new Instagram updates from the past month that we’ve been loving!

Spotify Integration

Do you love unsolicited music-suggestions from friends and acquaintances? Finally, Instagram has added a feature that allows seamless sharing of tracks from Spotify. No longer will users be confined to screen-recording their jams in order for the world to see. But in all seriousness, this is a great feature if you represent a brand within the music space! Instagram has made it simple for artists, concert venues,  and instrument makers to share songs to their Instagram Stories that are relevant to their audience. Pop-culture accounts like Refinery29 and Buzzfeed have already put the feature to good use, and you can too!

Just head to your favorite track on Spotify, hit the “…”, and then share to “Instagram Stories”. Keep in mind, both apps must be updated for this to work, and some users still don’t have access at the moment.

Instagram Spotify Integration

The Mute Feature

Facebook has long allowed us to “unfollow” accounts – the ones we weren’t ready to completely purge from our lives but whose photos were slightly annoying to us for whatever reason. Finally, Instagram has followed suit, with a new feature to silence those followers who we may love IRL but irk us with their content. If the sound of that makes you nervous, brands need not fear this new feature just yet. If a follower isn’t loving your content enough to mute you, they’ll probably just unfollow like they would have before this feature was unveiled. The effects will most likely be felt strongest within the personal-sphere of Instagram.

To mute, simply head to the offending account’s feed, tap the “…” in the corner, and tap “mute”. That’s it, and they’ll be none the wiser.

Instagram Mute Button


Sharing Instagram posts to stories

With this new update, Instagram makes it easy for you to share a post to your story. No need to screenshot and crop, now users can tap the share button on a post from any public profile, and add it to their IG story. This has amazing implications for brands looking to spread their reach organically. If you’re managing a brand giveaway on Instagram, try asking followers to share your post to their story to enter, and comment when done. They can add their own flair – “OMG just entered to win this swimsuit! Summer goals 😱” – while increasing the number of eyes on your content.

Instagram Post Share


Are there any update’s we’ve missed that you just can’t get enough of? Let us know in the comments below!

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